essays in biblical interpretation, theology, Christian living, and more

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Contributing writer: Tim Gallant

Tim Gallant is an honours graduate of Mid-America Reformed Seminary (2000) in Dyer, Indiana. He is presently pastoring Conrad Christian Reformed Church in Conrad, Montana, and is author of Feed My Lambs: Why the Lord's Table Should Be Restored to Covenant Children. A fuller bio may be found here.

Since Tim's material presently predominates the site, we have not provided separate links on this page. As the site's content becomes more balanced with the contributions of the other writers, such indexing will be added here.

In addition to the material at the Biblical Studies Center, be sure to check out Tim's writings at these other sites: (introductory essays on covenant theology and related matters) (studies in Paul and 1st century Judaism)

Tim is also responsible for the content at, a resource center for the study of the issue of children and the Lord's Supper, and continues to serve as host editor of this site.

site design © 2005 by Tim Gallant Creative